Answers may vary, but your response should include the following points: In To the Oracle at Delphi, Ferlinghetti points to ancient Greece as the beginning of civilization on which America as a country and a society was built. In the Oracle, he turns to a figure thought to provide wise counsel, which he thinks America needs. He speaks to the Oracle as a witness to what has happened to the true America or the one that sprang from Europe (Europa). It is the America of the underprivileged, whose voices often go unheard. It is a "vaster" or bigger society, but it is not greater or better. We have technology and money, but we have no art, which is meant to encourage us to feel, particularly for one another. He seeks guidance on how we can eliminate inequality and maintain our democracy instead of moving steadily toward plutocracy, which means that the wealthy will rule over everyone else. With "new dreams to dream" and "new myths to live by," American society can be restored or saved.
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