2 votes
Modify the DemoSalesperson application so each Salesperson has a successive ID number from 111 through 120 and a sales value that ranges from $25,000 to $70,000, increasing by $5,000 for each successive Salesperson. Save the file as DemoSalesperson2.java.

User Fons
7.6k points

1 Answer

6 votes


Here is the modified DemoSalesperson2

public class DemoSalesperson2{ // class DemoSalesperson2

public static void main(String[] args) { //start of main() function body

SalesPerson[] sp = new SalesPerson[10]; // creates an array of SalesPerson object named sp

int start_id =111; // assign 111 to starting id number

double start_sal=25000; //assign 25000 to starting salary means salary will start from amount 25000

for (int i =0; i<sp.length; i++) { //loop iterates until the value of loop variable i remains less then length of the array object sp

sp[i] =new SalesPerson(start_id+i,start_sal+5000*(i)); /*at each iteration ID number from 111 through 120 and a sales value that ranges from $25,000 to $70,000, increasing by $5,000 for each successive is displayed using object array sp[] which calls the SalesPerson constructor to access id and sales */

System.out.println(sp[i].getId()+" "+sp[i].getAnnualSales() ); } } } /*uses object sp of class SalesPerson to access the methods getId which returns the id and getAnnualSales method which returns the annual sales, to display id and annual sales */

Step-by-step explanation:

The question first requires a SalesPerson class with these requisites:

Class name: Salesperson.

Data fields for Salesperson: int ID number , double annual sales amount.

Methods: constructor SalesPerson() that requires values for both data fields, as well as get and set methods for each of the data fields.

So according to the complete question's requirement, I have implemented SalesPerson class:

public class SalesPerson { // class name

//data members: integer type id variable and double type sales variable

private int id;

private double sales;

public SalesPerson(int id_no, double annual_sales) { //constructor that requires values for id and sales

id = id_no;

sales = annual_sales; }

public int getId() { //accessor getId() method to get or access the value of id data field

return id; }

public void setId(int id_no) { //mutator setId to set the value of id data field

id = id_no; }

public double getAnnualSales() { //accessor getAnnualSales() method to get or access the value of sales data field

return sales; }

public void setAnnualSales(double annual_sales) { //mutator setAnnualSales to set the value of sales data field

sales = annual_sales; } }

However you can use my DemoSalesperson2 application for your own SalesPerson class.

Now I will explain the working of for loop used in DemoSalesperson2

Iteration 1:


i<sp.length is true because length of sp[] is 10 so i<10

This means the body of for loop will execute.

The statement inside the body of for loop is :

sp[i] =new SalesPerson(start_id+i,start_sal+5000*(i));

class SalesPerson constructor is used to access the data members of SalesPerson class

start_id = 111


start_id+i = 111 + 0 = 111

start_sal+5000*(i) = 25000 + 5000 (0) = 25000

The values 111 and 25000 are stored to sp[0] means at the first index of the sp array.

System.out.println(sp[i].getId()+" "+sp[i].getAnnualSales() );

This statement uses sp object to get access to the getId and getAnnualSales methods to print the id number and sales amount.

So the output at 1st iteration is:

111 25000.0

Iteration 1:

The value of i is incremented to 1 so now i = 1

i<sp.length is true because length of sp[] is 10 so i<10

This means the body of for loop will execute.

The statement inside the body of for loop is :

sp[i] =new SalesPerson(start_id+i,start_sal+5000*(i));

class SalesPerson constructor is used to access the data members of SalesPerson class

start_id = 111


start_id+i = 111 + 1 = 112

start_sal+5000*(i) = 25000 + 5000 (1) = 25000 + 5000 = 30000

The values 111 and 25000 are stored to sp[1] means at the first index of the sp array.

System.out.println(sp[i].getId()+" "+sp[i].getAnnualSales() );

This statement uses sp object to get access to the getId and getAnnualSales methods to print the id number and sales amount.

So the output at 1st iteration is:

112 30000.0

The loop keeps iterating and the value of id is incremented by 1 and value of sales is increased by 5000 at every iteration.

This loop continues to execute until the value of i exceeds the length of sp array i.e. 10.

The values from iteration 1 to 8 following the above explanation are:

Iteration 1:

111 25000.0

Iteration 2:

112 30000.0

Iteration 3:

113 35000.0

Iteration 4:

114 40000.0

Iteration 5:

115 45000.0

Iteration 6:

116 50000.0

Iteration 7:

117 55000.0

Iteration 8:

118 60000.0

Iteration 9:

119 65000.0

Iteration 10:

120 70000.0

At iteration 11 the for loop body will not execute as value of i at 11th iteration is i = 10 and i<sp.length evaluates to false as i = sp.length because length of sp array is 10 and now the value of i is also 10. So the loop ends. Screenshot of the program and its output is attached.

Modify the DemoSalesperson application so each Salesperson has a successive ID number-example-1
User Shervin Ivari
6.6k points