A middle-aged African-American man walks into the urgent care clinic holding his
abdomen and groaning from p! He reports c/o intense stomach p! and frequent diarrhea over the
last 48 hours. As the healthcare professional, you evaluate the patient and discover the following
Subjective Information
Patient reports:
• 2-16oz coffees w/ low-fat milk and 3 creamers ea.
• 2 meals per day minimum for the last 48 hours
• Persistent stomach p!
• Abdominal cramps
• Frequent diarrhea
Medical Hx
Patient reports:
• Chronic HTN
• Previous instances of bloating
• Hereditary dairy sensitivity
• Stomach bug (2015)
• Food poisoning (2017)
1. What is the patient's diagnosis?
2. What is the etiology of this condition?
3. Which system(s) of the body are this condition associated with?
4. How would you rule in or rule out this diagnosis as a healthcare professional?