Sum of 2 digit = 48
Sum of 3 digit = 317
Sum of 4 digit = 3009
Total = 3374
9, 8 and 7
Sum of Multiples
The first step is to list out the multiples of each number
9:- 9,18,....,99,108,117,................,999
8:- 8,16........,96,104,...............,992,1000,1008....
7:- 7,14,........,98,105,.............,994,1001,1008.....
Calculating the sum of smallest 2 digit multiple of 9, 8 and 7
The smallest positive 2 digit multiple of:
- 9 is 18
- 8 is 16
- 7 is 14
Sum = 18 + 16 + 14
Sum = 48
Calculating the sum of smallest 3 digit multiple of 9, 8 and 7
The smallest positive 3 digit multiple of:
- 9 is 108
- 8 is 104
- 7 is 105
Sum = 108 + 104 + 105
Sum = 317
Calculating the sum of smallest 4 digit multiple of 9, 8 and 7
The smallest positive 4 digit multiple of:
- 9 is 1008
- 8 is 1000
- 7 is 1001
Sum = 1008 + 1000 + 1001
Sum = 3009
Sum of All = Sum of 2 digit + Sum of 3 digit + Sum of 4 digit
Sum of All = 48 + 317 + 3009
Sum of All = 3374