1. South africa, India, Brazil, China, Russia
2. Voice and Accountability
Step-by-step explanation:
Governance is the term that refers to the way in which the power of a government within a country is exercised in relation to the administration of the resources necessary for the development of the country. Therefore, this term is also directly related to a government's ability to plan policies and programs that enable the country's functionality and its ability to achieve a goal.
In terms of governance, the countries that make up the BRICS are ranked as follows: South Africa, India, Brazil, China, Russia. As you can see Russia has the lowest score, which surprises me greatly, since this is a European country with a well-established economy and being a military power.
China, on the other hand, has a lower score in the item "Voice and Accountability", due to an episode in which these factors were denied or provided in a wrong and inefficient way.