Mice share a common ancestor with humans, homologous
Step-by-step explanation:
The DNA of humans and mice is almost 92% similar. This similarity indicates that mice share a common ancestor with humans. Mice have a tail, while humans have a tailbone. The tailbone is a homologous structure in humans.
The existence of similar genes (DNA) and pair of structures (tail and tail bone) between humans and mice is referred to as homology. The tail and tail bone that exist between the different animals are called homologous structures. Homologous structures are similar structures that can be found in different animals, indicating that the animals have evolved from a common ancestor. Homologous structures show a high degree of similarity in form but they may or may not have the same functions in the different animals.
The similarity in the DNA and the structures (tail and tail bones) that exist in humans and mice suggests that the two different specie are connected to a common ancestor.