An intransitive verb is not used with a direct object. Unlike transitive verbs that answer what? or whom?; instead intransitive verbs answers a question like where?, when?, how?, or how long?.
1. The sentence about intransitive is:
C. We were moving to this city 3 years ago
2. Yousafzai amazed us with her courage.
D. her courage; intransitive
3. The speaker … different teaching strategies in the video.Which verb is suitable for the sentence?
B. discussed
4. Various pictures hung on the wall of the house.
C. no answer
5. English teacher told the students about the types of tenses.
C. told; transitive
6. The foreign students listened attentively
D. attentively; intransitive
7. Which sentence is about transitive?
A. My mom always admires my courage
8. Which of the following is transitive verb?
A. Run
9. My brother pushed the corner of the picture frame down.
A. pushed; transitive
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