It will take 1 hour and 12 minutes for the two trains to be 192 miles apart
The total distance between the two trains is the distance traveled by both trains. The distance traveled by the eastbound train is 85 mph * elapsed time and the distance traveled by the westbound train is 75 * elapsed time.
The combined formula is distance traveled = speed of first train * elapsed time + speed of second train * elapsed time.
Since the elapsed time is equal for both trains then the formula is modified as distance traveled = (speed of first train + speed of second train) * elapsed time.
Solving for the elapsed time
distance traveled = (speed of first train + speed of second train) * elapsed time
192 miles = (85mph + 75 mph) * elapsed time
192 miles = 160 mph * elapsed time
elapsed time = 192 miles / 160 mph
elapsed time = 1.2 hours
elapsed time = 1 hour and 12 minutes
It will take 1 hour and 12 minutes for the two trains to be 192 miles apart.