You have to talk about yourself - it’s your own experience I can’t help you.
I’ll give you some ideas:
Transitioning to online learning - workload - online lessons - self learning and independence
Meeting up
Wearing masks, being cautious. Have any planned meet-ups/events been cancelled ? How do you feel?
Family members afflicted w Coronavirus
Has anyone been affected in your family ? How does it make you feel? How did it change your stance towards the pandemic ?
What do you do as a form of stress relief ?
How has that been affected ? What are you ambitions in sport and how has your progress been impeded ? Have you taken up any volunteering to help disadvantaged communities during the pandemic?
How has the bombardment of negative messages affect you mentally ? Has it exacerbated your loneliness/depression ? Have you started believing in any conspiracy theories ? Why or why not ?
Has the pandemic made your dreams any different ? What were they ? Link them to real world currently