Hi/hey/etc. ________ (friend name),
As your friend it is my duty to make sure you're okay and safe. I've noticed you've been taking a particular liking to alc*h*lic beverages because other kids our age are. Regardless of how much it makes you fit it, its dangerous. It can lead to add*ction, get you in trouble with the government, your family, and your friends. Not to mention, it acts a detriment to your growth and development. I care about you okay? So please listen. And if not me, then another friend, or your parents, please?
[explain physical health reasons here]
Drinking makes any of the following more likely...
Car crashes
Falls, drowning, and other accidents
V*olence and hom*cide
Being a victim of violent cr*me
S*xu*lly transmitted infections
Unwanted pr*gn*ncy
S*xu*l *ss*ult or r*pe
[explain social health and emotional health/happiness here]
low self-esteem, d*pr*ssion (linked to greater su*c*de attempts among underage drinkers), conduct disorders, antisocial behavior, dependency on other dr*gs (ie. tob*cco), and anxiety.
Step-by-step explanation:
I started the essay/persuasive letter off for you, but continue to research facts and put it in paragraph form. The most important thing to remember when writing something like this, is that its supposed to be caring and not just a blast of information. The more you bring it back to your friendship and the friend's relationships (parents, romantic ones, etc.), the more inclined he/she will be to continue reading the letter. Make it so that you bring across sympathy (use words or phrases that emphasize the idea that "you care" as the writer and you want to help and you want the best for them). Towards the end of the letter they may be a little reluctant to listening to anything you wrote above so don't say anything negative about them, rather the positive aspects that would be lost otherwise. Provide resources at the bottom as well, and since it is a letter, don't forget a signature. Hope this helps!