1 vote
WILL GIVE BRAINLISET!!! Think of a recent conversation you had with a friend or a family member. (The more recent the better.) Now, describe it in as much detail as you can. Here’s the tricky part. You must describe the conversation as an observer who doesn’t know the people, or what they are thinking or seeing.

2 Answers

1 vote


Two boys sit on a couch quietly. One is tapping away at a controller madly moving and swaying a character on the screen. The other sits quietly watching.

"You get him?", he asks the other boy,

"No" he replies sulkily, tossing the controller away. Both boys sit quietly for awhile, though they are best friends, one could look at them like solely acquaintances or just friends for they are not constantly talking or doing something like other pairs would. An observer would say they were more like brothers, they didn't agree on anything, they fought a lot, and they were not constantly doing something, a lot of the tine they would just sit quietly like they are doing now. It's almost as if they both have a silent contempt to just sit, rather than waste words.

"Wanna go biking?", one says breaking the peaceful silence.

"Sure", the other says for biking was one of the few things they agreed on.

Step-by-step explanation:

This is pretty bad I haven't written a story in awhile, don't know if it completely follows the rules.

User Amaresh Jana
7.5k points
3 votes


I watched from the end of the garage as two kids walked to the workbench. “I hate your board, it's too small, the axles are loose and the wheels are horrible”, the girl said to the boy as he sheepishly handed the skateboard to her. The woman angrily tore through several drawers looking for something. “Yeah I'm honestly thinking about buying an entirely new board, that one is on its deathbed”, the boy said, rubbing the back of his neck as he watched her pull out a wrench. “That would be a good idea, your board is smaller than mine and your at least half a foot taller than me so might be time for an upgrade and plus the design looks like a five-year-old did it” she responded pointing to the back of the skateboard that was lying on the workbench. They both laughed as she began to tighten something on the board. “Hey! Don’t make it too tight I still wanna be able to move” he said looking anxiously as whatever she was tightening. She glanced at him and sarcastically said “Oh sorry I didn't know you were the expert, sure thing I'll just let u ride your crooked, wobbly board and fall off, no wonder you still can’t balance yet”. She flipped the board around and began tightening something on the other side. Suddenly another man walked into the garage. “What are you two working on,?” he asked walking over. “I’m tightening the axles on his board so he doesn't fall over” She said, not looking up from what she was doing. Suddenly she stopped and dropped the board to the floor and got on it leaning to test it. “There that's way better,” she said, getting off. Then the man stepped onto the board, wobbling all over the place before he fell and a loud clattering echoed through the garage. They all laughed before collecting the skateboard and walking out of the garage.

Step-by-step explanation:

I didn't know how long it had to be so hopefully this is long enough, just a short story of the time my dad fell off my cousin's skateboard.

User Jeremy Dowdall
6.3k points