1. UN - As much as 70 percent of its work is devoted to establishing higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development.
The United Nations was founded in 1945 as a medium to coordinate human efforts on a global scale. They pursue through their subsidiary organizations, the welfare of humanity amongst other things.
2. GTO - Finance ministers and central bank governors of major economies coordinate policy on global financial crises.
Formed by 20 leading economies, the GTO was formed to combat the effects of the 2008 financial crises.
3. WTO - Primarily responsible for policing world trade system.
WTO regulates trade in the world to make it easier to transact.
4. Bretton Woods Institutions - The IMF and World Bank were created in 1944 by 44 nations that met to maintain order in the international monetary system and promote economic growth.
5. GATT - A series of treaties that reduced barriers to trade.
The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) is a treaty between over 140 nations in which they agree to make trade easier by reducing barriers and adhering to Internation best practices.