The answer to this question can be defined as follows:
Step-by-step explanation:
In the given question attachment file is missing so, following the code to this question:
using function IF:
=IF(Logical test, how to do it when testing is right, how to do it when testing is wrong)
In this scenario, a leader development Worker should pass 2 tests
In the First test may not finish his training
If yes-" satisfied"
It is not true, it will go to 2nd test
In the second test, If employee served a service period of even more than 1 year (to be performed in a first check if not correct)
If, It is yes=" yes" else not ="No"
= IF(Leader Training = Yes, "Completed," IF(Service time> 1," Yes ","No")
That's means,
The sort IF(I2 = "Yes","Completed"),IF(D2>1," Yes","No") must be used in cell M2)
Copy Cell M2 Then the selected M3 over M30