The people of God were able to overcome Satan's accusations by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Book of Revelation is the last book in the Bible written by Apostle John, while he was left on an island of Patmos to die. There he had a Revelation from Lord Jesus Christ. The book talks about the end times and the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ, of new Heaven and Earth.
Chapter 12 of the book talks about Satan being thrown down for his rebellion. In verses 10-11, the scripture says that the accuser, Satan, accused the people of God for their sins before God day and night. The people of God are able to overcome these accusations by the blood of the Lamb, Lord Jesus Christ, who shed His blood on the cross for the forgiveness of the sins of the world. They will also be able to overcome these accusations by the word of their testimony, how they stood firm in their faith even after they faced with deaths or death like situations in their life.