The output is:
Error: Vehicle is abstract and cannot be instantiated
Step-by-step explanation:
The following statement is causing this error:
myVehicle = new Vehicle();
Here an instance of Vehicle is being created. The name of the instance is myVehicle. new keyword is used to create an object or instance of class like here the instance myVehicle of class Vehicle is being created.
This instance cannot be created because the Vehicle is an abstract class. As you can see this statement public abstract class Vehicle.
So Vehicle class is declared with abstract keyword which means that this is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated. So Vehicle class is an abstract class and abstract class can only be used as a base class for its derived classes. Vehicle just provides with the basic functionality that its sub or derived class like Car can implement.
This class can be extended or inherited but no instance can be created of this class, as the Car class is used to extend the functionality of Vehicle class. Now you can create instance of Car class but NOT of a Vehicle class because it is an abstract class.