A rectangular array of numbers arranged in horizontal and vertical lines enclosed between round or square brackets is called a matrix.
Types of Matrix
According to order of matrix or value of elements,we can classify the matrices. some of the types of matrices are as follows:
A matrix having only one column is called a column Matrix.
A matrix having only one row is called row matrix.
A matrix having the numbers of rows equal to the numbers of column is called the square matrix.
A matrix having the number of rows not equal to the number of column of a matrix is called the rectangular matrix.
- Null matrix( zero matrix)
A matrix of any order in which each element is zero is called the null matrix( zero matrix).
A square matrix in which all the elements of leading diagonal are non-zero and the rest of the elements are zero is called a diagonal matrix.
- Unit matrix( Identity matrix)
A diagonal matrix in which all the elements of leading diagonal are 1(unit) is called unit matrix.
A diagonal matrix in which all the element of leading diagonal are equal is called scalar matrix.
A square matrix having all the elements below the diagonal and above the diagonal zero is called triangular matrix.
A square matrix is called a symmetric matrix, if it's
(i,j) th element is equal to its (j,i) th elemnent.
A square matrix B=b ij is called a skew- symmetric matrix if it's (i,j) th element is negative of its ( j, i) th element.
Two matrices are said to be equal if they have same order and corresponding elemnents of both matrices are equal.
Hope this helps..
Good luck on your assignment...