I am writing a function using C++ programming language. Let me know if you want the program in some other programming language.
void PrintFeetInchShort(int numFeet , int numInches){
cout<<numFeet<<"\' "<<numInches<<"\"";
The above function takes two integer variables numFeet and numInches as its parameters. The cout statement is used to print the value of numFeet with a single quote at the end of that value and print the value of numInches with double quotes at the end of that value. Here \ backslash is used to use the double quotes. Backslash is used in order to include special characters in a string. Here i have used backslash with the single quote as well. However it is not mandatory to use backslash with single quote, you can simply use cout<<numFeet<<"' " to print a single quote. But to add double quotes with a string, backslash is compulsory.
Step-by-step explanation:
This is the complete program to check the working of the above function.
#include <iostream> // to use input output functions
using namespace std; //to identify objects like cout and cin
void PrintFeetInchShort(int numFeet , int numInches){
//function to print ' and ' short hand
cout<<numFeet<<"\' "<<numInches<<"\""; }
int main() { //start of the main() function body
PrintFeetInchShort(5, 8); }
//calls PrintFeetInchShort() and passes values to the function i.e. 5 for //numFeet and 8 for numInches
If you want to take the values of numFeet and numInches from user then:
int main() {
int feet,inches; // declares two variables of integer type
cout<<"Enter the value for feet:"; //prompts user to enter feet
cin>>feet; //reads the value of feet from user
cout<<"Enter the value for inch:"; //prompts user to enter inches
cin>>inches; //reads the value of inches from user
PrintFeetInchShort(feet, inches); } //calls PrintFeetInchShort()
The screenshot of the program and its output is attached.