1. but
2. again
2. and
3. inside
4. help
5. waited
5. with
6. she
7. patiently
8. can
9. four
10. they
10. three
11. other
12. report
13. Rich
14. four
15. older
16. noun
17. me
2. the last adverb in the second sentence : Again
5. the first verb in the first sentence : waited
6.the second pronoun in the first sentence : she
8. the helping verb in the second sentence : can
10.the first pronoun in the first sentence : they
11.the pronoun-adjective in the first sentence : other
13. the only proper noun in either sentence: Rich
14. the number of nouns in the first sentence: four
16. the part of speech of people in the second sentence: noun
17. the last pronoun in the second sentence: me
1. the conjunction in the first sentence: but
2. the conjunction in the second sentence: and
3. the first preposition in the first sentence: inside
4. the first main verb in the second sentence: help
5. the first preposition in the second sentence: with
7. the adverb in the first sentence: patiently
9. the number of prepositions in the first sentence: four
10. the number of articles in the first sentence: three
12. the last verb in the second sentence: report
15. the adjective describing people in the second sentence: older