Match the following definitions and terms.
contemplation stage
maintenance stage
preparation stage
pre-contemplation stage
action stage
In the the individual is now ready to change. They are willing to
modify their behavior and their environment to overcome the problem.
In the the individual has changed their behavior for six or more
months. They now focus on not reverting back to their old habit.
In the
the individual now has an intention to change, and is beginning
to plan how they will change "next month."
in the, the individual is aware of the problem, but they still believe the
positive aspects outweigh the negative aspects. They are beginning to think
about changing, but they have made no commitment to change.
In the the individual is unaware that a "problem" exists. Therefore,
they have no intention to change. If they do seek help to change, it is only due
to pressure from others to "get help."