Principal Quantum Number: designates the principal electron shell. Angular Momentum Quantum Number-This quantum number determines it's shape of an orbital and thus it's angular distribution. This quantum number determines the number of orbital numbers, their orientation within the sub-shell.
Principal Quantum Number, n
It describes the size of its orbital and of the main energy level. It is represented by n. Where, n = 1,2,3,4....stands for K, L, M, N shell and so on..
ngular Momentum Quantum Number l
It describes the shape of the orbital and thus the angular distribution. It can take from 0 to (n - 1). That is l = 0,1,2,...,(n - 1)
The magnetic Quantum Number, m
It describes the orientation of the orbitals. It is represented as . The value of this quantum number ranges from . When l = 2, the value of will be -2, -1, 0, +1, +2.
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