The BVM Corp.
The After-tax Rate of Return for the truck = After-Tax Income/Investment in Truck x 100
= $10,200/$30,000 x 100 = 34%
Step-by-step explanation:
a) Calculations:
Current Value of the Truck =
Sale of Truck = $9,000
Savings from Truck = $38,000 ($9,500 x 4)
Total $47,000
Investment increase = $17,000 ($47,000 - 30,000)
Combined Tax = $6,800 (40% x $17,000)
After Tax Income = $10,200 ($17,000 - 6,800)
b) MACRS means the modified accelerated cost recovery system. It is an allowance by the IRS for faster depreciation in the first years of an asset's life and the depreciation slows later on in order to allow a business to recover the cost basis of certain assets that deteriorate over time.
c) Rate of return (ROR) is the percentage increase or decrease of an investment (truck) over a set period of time (4 years), which is calculated by taking the difference between the current (or expected) value ($47,000) and original value ($30,000), dividing by the original value, and then this is multiplied by 100.