Normal profit was missing, so I looked for it:
Item Q Cost Cost to Estimated Cost Normal*
No. p/ unit replace selling price of Completion profit
and Disposal
1320 1,500 $3.87 $3.63 $5.45 $0.42 $1.38
1333 1,200 $3.27 $2.78 $4.24 $0.61 $0.67
1426 1,100 $5.45 $4.48 $6.05 $0.48 $0.47
1437 1,300 $4.36 $3.75 $3.87 $0.30 $0.25
1510 1,000 $2.72 $2.42 $3.93 $0.97 $1.18
1522 1,200 $3.63 $3.27 $4.60 $0.48 $0.84
1573 3,300 $2.18 $1.94 $3.03 $0.91 $0.93
1626 1,300 $5.69 $6.29 $7.26 $0.61 $1.56
we have to first determine the ceiling NRV and floor NRV
Item Cost to Estimated Cost NRV NRV
No. replace selling price of Completion ceiling floor
and Disposal
1320 $3.63 $5.45 $0.42 $5.03 $3.65
1333 $2.78 $4.24 $0.61 $3.63 $2.96
1426 $4.48 $6.05 $0.48 $5.57 $5.10
1437 $3.75 $3.87 $0.30 $3.57 $3.32
1510 $2.42 $3.93 $0.97 $2.96 $1.78
1522 $3.27 $4.60 $0.48 $4.12 $3.28
1573 $1.94 $3.03 $0.91 $2.12 $1.19
1626 $6.29 $7.26 $0.61 $6.65 $5.09
we have to determine the market value:
Item Cost to NRV NRV Market value
No. replace ceiling floor (middle of the 3)
1320 $3.63 $5.03 $3.65 $3.63
1333 $2.78 $3.63 $2.96 $2.96
1426 $4.48 $5.57 $5.10 $5.10
1437 $3.75 $3.57 $3.32 $3.57
1510 $2.42 $2.96 $1.78 $2.42
1522 $3.27 $4.12 $3.28 $3.28
1573 $1.94 $2.12 $1.19 $1.94
1626 $6.29 $6.65 $5.09 $6.29
Item Market value Cost Quantity Inventory
No. per unit value
1320 $3.63 $3.87 1,500 $5,445
1333 $2.96 $3.27 1,200 $3,552
1426 $5.10 $5.45 1,100 $5,610
1437 $3.57 $4.36 1,300 $4,641
1510 $2.42 $2.72 1,000 $2,420
1522 $3.28 $3.63 1,200 $3,939
1573 $1.94 $2.18 3,300 $6,402
1626 $6.29 $5.69 1,300 $7,397
total $39,406