I believe the logical fallacy found in the sentences to be: slippery slope.
Step-by-step explanation:
Let's find the answer through elimination.
Cherry picking is a fallacy in which information that contradicts the person's belief or opinion is ignored. People who use this fallacy point to individual cases or events that somehow confirm what they believe in. This does not seem to be the case here.
False cause is the fallacy that establishes a cause and effect relationship where there isn't necessarily one. For example: Every time my nose itches, I make money. Therefore, my nose itching is what causes the money to come. This is also not the case here.
Genetic fallacy is usually employed to attack something due to its origin and history, without taking into consideration the context in which that something is now used or seen. That does not apply to this case.
Finally, we have the slippery slope fallacy. When using this fallacy, people go from little evidence to a whole sequence of events leading, often, to a bad consequence. This is precisely what we have in this case. This person is talking of how more and more countries are spying on friendly nations. From this assertion, the person jumps to a dangerous conclusion to which they have no proof whatsoever: that all nations will isolate themselves and be unfriendly to each other if that continues to happen. Even if this consequence sounds plausible, there is no way for us to know that that is what would take place. There are certainly other possibilities that do not lead to isolation and unfriendliness. This is, therefore, an example of slippery slope fallacy.