Storming stage.
Step-by-step explanation:
The storming stage usually begins with the appearance of conflicts between the different styles that each member of the team performs the work.
It is natural for each individual to have their own style of carrying out their tasks, and this is natural in a team with different people profiles, so if the style of a member working causes some type of unforeseen problem for the team, conflicts and frustrations can happen that will negatively impact the workflow and the achievement of objectives and goals.
The storming also happens for other reasons, such as position disputes, lack of information and direction of the functions of each team member, work overload, disagreements, resistance, etc.
Therefore, it is important that at this stage of team development, there is a leadership aimed at establishing direct communication with the members and aimed at correcting their behaviors without overcoming the personality of each member. It is also essential to have a review of the rules, individual check-ins and a culture based on integration and motivation, where each member feels equally important to the team's success.