Pseudocode algorithm:
Declare variables maxCredit, usedCredit and availableCredit
PRINT "Enter the customer's maximum amount of credit"
READ maxCredit
PRINT "Enter the amount of credit the customer has used "
READ usedCredit
COMPUTE availableCredit = maxCredit - usedCredit
PRINT availableCredit
The above psedudcode can also be written as
Declare variables maxCredit and usedCredit
Display"Enter the customer's maximum amount of credit"
READ maxCredit
Display"Enter the amount of credit the customer has used "
READ usedCredit
COMPUTE availableCredit = maxCredit - usedCredit
Display availableCredit
Step-by-step explanation:
The above pseudocode algorithm first declares two variables maxCredit and usedCredit.
Then in order to take customer's maximum amount from user it displays a message "Enter the customer's maximum amount of credit". Then it reads the value of maxCredit entered by the user.
Then in order to take value of amount of credit used from user, it displays a message "Enter the amount of credit the customer has used ". Then it reads the value of usedCredit entered by the user.
This is the requirement of the question. I have written the further part of algorithm to compute the available credit. The available credit is computed by subtracting maximum amount of credit and the amount of credit used i.e. availableCredit = maxCredit - usedCredit.
At the end the result of this subtraction is stored in availableCredit and value of availableCredit is displayed using PRINT availableCredit.
The corresponding C++ program of the above pseudocode algorithm is as following:
#include <iostream> //to use input output functions
using namespace std; // to identify objects like cin cout
int main() { // start of main() function body
double maxCredit, usedCredit, availableCredit; // declare variables
//prompts user to enter the value of maximum credit
cout << "Enter the customer's maximum amount of credit: ";
cin >> maxCredit; //reads the value of maximum credit from user
//prompts user to enter used credit
cout << "Enter the amount of credit used by the customer: ";
cin >> usedCredit; //reads the used credit value from user
availableCredit = maxCredit - usedCredit; //computes available credit
cout << "The customer's available credit is: "; //displays this message
cout << availableCredit; } //displays the value of computed available credit
//The output is attached in screenshot