1 41/56 or 97/56
To add fractions, you must first find a common denominator. The easiest way to do this is to multiply the two denominators, 7 and 8. The product of these two numbers is 56, your new denominator. Then, you cross-multiply the numerators.
6/7 + 7/8
7*8 = 56 (denominator)
You multiplied 7 by 8, therefore you must also multiply the 6 by 8 to keep the fractions proportional. Use the same method to multiply 7 by 7.
48/56 + 49/56
Now that the denominators are the same, you can add the numerators.
If necessary, you can turn this improper fraction into a mixed number by dividing 97 by 56. The result is written before the fraction, and the remainder is written over 56.
1 41/56