The protection of human rights has always been and continues to be one of America’s essential duties.
Step-by-step explanation:
In his 1961 Inaugural Speech, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy focuses on what it means to be an American at the time. He focuses on imploring the people of America to continue the fight for justice, holding on to the shared belief of peace and unity among everyone.
In the given excerpt from the speech, he reiterated how the fight of upholding the peace of maintaining human rights will always be the first and foremost duty of every American citizen. He boldly claims states "let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans". This new generation of Americans will continue the work of preventing "the slow undoing of [the] human rights to which this Nation had always been committed, [not only at home but] around the world". This means that America has always been and will continue to work to do protect human rights and take it as one of her essential duties.