In “The Monkey’s Paw,” Sergeant-Major Morris tells the White family that the monkey’s paw was created by a fakir who wanted to demonstrate that fate governs people’s lives and that those who interfere with it do so at their own peril. The story’s conclusion does not provide a clear answer to whether this idea is supported or disproved. While it is true that Mr. White’s wishes have unintended consequences, it is also true that he has some control over his fate. He chooses to make wishes on the monkey’s paw, and he chooses what to wish for. Furthermore, the story suggests that Mr. White could have avoided his tragic fate if he had not made his third wish .
In conclusion, while “The Monkey’s Paw” does not provide a clear answer to whether Morris’s idea is supported or disproved, it does suggest that people have some control over their fate but must be careful when trying to change it.