Dear Diary,
It is interesting how life is full of surprises and we can find satisfaction and happiness in situations that we have not planned. It is even more interesting when that satisfaction and happiness is generated when we help other people. I did not imagine that relieving, even a little, the suffering of others would do so much good for my soul and my spirit leaving me so satisfied with myself.
I have always thought that I would only find happiness in actions aimed at my own satisfaction, but by helping a beggar and allowing him to have a little satisfaction in his difficult life journey, I was happy. I liked to take some of the difficulties that the beggar goes through and give him a little comfort generated comfort for me too.
I was also fully happy, excited and full when adopting a pet cat. Knowing that this animal will have a home to protect it and that it will no longer be hungry and thirsty or mistreated, fills my soul with joy.
I intend to do good deeds frequently, because I want to feel this feeling forever, in addition to contributing to the happiness of others.