The java program is as follows.
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
//array declaration
static int weekdays=7;
static int[] snowfall_inch = new int[weekdays];
static String[] snowfall_date = new String[weekdays];
//variables to store average and maximum
static double avg;
static int max;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter the month: ");
String month =;
for(int n=0; n<weekdays; n++)
System.out.print("\\Enter the date for day "+(n+1)+ ": ");
snowfall_date[n] =;
System.out.print("Enter the inches of snowfall for day "+(n+1) +": ");
snowfall_inch[n] = sc.nextInt();
avg = avg + snowfall_inch[n];
avg = avg/weekdays;
System.out.printf("The average snowfall for the week is %.4f",avg);
for(int n=0; n<weekdays-1; n++)
if(snowfall_inch[n] < snowfall_inch[n+1])
System.out.println("\\The maximum snowfall for the week is "+max);
Enter the date for day 2: 12-2-2019
Enter the inches of snowfall for day 2: 23
Enter the date for day 3: 12-3-2019
Enter the inches of snowfall for day 3: 13
Enter the date for day 4: 12-4-2019
Enter the inches of snowfall for day 4: 14
Enter the date for day 5: 12-5-2019
Enter the inches of snowfall for day 5: 34
Enter the date for day 6: 12-6-2019
Enter the inches of snowfall for day 6: 34
Enter the date for day 7: 12-7-2019
Enter the inches of snowfall for day 7: 22
The average snowfall for the week is 21.7143
The maximum snowfall for the week is 34
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Two arrays are declared to store dates and snowfall inches with string and integer datatypes respectively.
2. Variables are declared to store maximum and average snowfall values with integer and double datatypes respectively.
3. User input is taken for the month, and the dates and snowfall inch values for a week. The input is taken in for loop.
4. Next, for loop is used to find the average and maximum snowfall of the week.
5. These values are displayed to the user as shown in the output.