Jason Inherit a land with a 45% chance of having oil.
The probability of the land having oil is = P ( O) = 45 /100
The probability of the land having oil is= Q(O ) =55/100
The machine has an accuracy of 80%. This suggests that 8 out of 10 times the machine will give a wrong reading.
The probability of the correct reading is= P(M)=80/100
The probability of the incorrect reading is=Q(M)=20/100
The case when the machine predicts there is no oil and there is indeed oil can be calculated:Probability=Probability of oil present × probability of the incorrect reading
Probability=P(O) x Q(M)
Probability=45/100 x 20/100
The probability of the test predicting no oil in land and the land has oil is 0.09 or 9%