x = -5
You are often told to start a problem like this by clearing fractions. Multiply the equation by the least common denominator of the fractions. Here, that value is 6.
4x -3 = 2 +5x . . . . multiply the equation by 6
-5 = x . . . . . . . . . . . add -2-4x to both sides
The solution is x = -5.
If you're comfortable with arithmetic using fractions, you can "cut to the chase." Subtract 2/3x+1/3 from both sides:
(2/3x -1/2) -(2/3x +1/3) = (1/3 +5/6x) -(2/3x +1/3)
-1/2 -1/3 = 5/6x -2/3x . . . . simplify a little
-5/6 = 1/6x . . . . . . . . . . . . .simplify more
-5 = x . . . . . . multiply by 6