The distance from the poled,
, is given as follows;

Step-by-step explanation:
The materials available in the emergency capsule are;
1) Stopwatch
2) Electronic scale
3) 2 yardstick
4) 1 Litre Oil
5) Measuring Cup
We note that the distance from the poles from the equator =

We place some known quantity of oil in the cup and weigh with the electronic scale
Where the weight is P Newtons we have at the equator;
P = Weight of cup + oil - centripetal force on cup + oil

M = The mass of the cup + the mass of the Oil
= Acceleration due to gravity on the planet
R = Radius of the planet
T = Period of rotation of the planet
The mass of the oil can be found by measuring the depth to which the cup sinks when placed in the oil
The depth of immersion × cross-sectional area of the cup found with the yardstick gives the volume,
, of the oil equivalent to the mass of the cup from which the density of the oil is calculated as follows;

The mass of the oil =

The mass of the cup can be be found on the tag or engraved on the cup
Which gives the radius of the planet as follows;


The period or the time it takes the planet to make one revolution can be found by measurement with the stopwatch
The acceleration due to gravity on the planet is found from the relation of the simple pendulum formed by the yard stick as follows;

= Mass of the yardstick
L = Yardstick length
I = Moment of inertia of the yardstick
Which gives;

From which;

Substituting in the equation for R, we have;

The distance,
, from the poles =
