Answer: c) ABCDA, $960
The nearest Neighbor Algorithm states to choose the next vertex based only on the weights of the neighbor of that vertex.
Starting at A: Options are B = 220, C = 240, D = 310
Choose B because it has the smallest value.
From B: Options are C = 200, D = 210
Choose C because it has the smallest value.
From C: There is only one option --> D = 230 (we cannot choose A because it was our starting point and we haven't touched every vertex, yet).
From D: We touched all of the vertices so return to the starting point, A = 310
A → B → C → D → A --> 220 + 200 + 230 + 310 = 960
Notice that if we looked at the entire circuit first, this is NOT the optimum path. But this is the result using the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm.