Step-by-step explanation:
a) In random Pivot Quick Sort algorithm, a Central Pivot element is chosen. In this algorithm Pivot element is selected as it is not Central Pivot. It means the array is divided such that any part contains at-least ¼ elements.
Algorithm for Quick Sort using Random Pivot
randomQuick(num[ ],low,high)
Step 1 – if low index > = high index then Exit.
Step 2 – while pivot p is not the Central Pivot.
Step 3 – Choose any value randomly as the Pivot value. Assume it as p.
Step 4 – Count the elements smaller than num[p]. Store it as small.
Step 5 – Count the elements greater than num[p]. Store it as great.
Step 6 – Assume size = (high – low + 1) . if small > = size/4 and greater >=n/4, then p is Central Pivot.
Step 7 – Use pivot p to partition num [low…high].
Step 8 – randomQuick(num, low, small - 1)
Step 9 – randomQuick(num, great + 1, high)
b) As from the above algorithm the array is partitioned in such two parts that one part has at-least n/4 elements. Thus, it is possible that in worst case, array is partitioned in two parts such that one part has n/4 elements and other part has 3n/4 elements and its time complexity will be O(log N).
Whereas there is a loop in the above algorithm. So, complexity is O(n)
Now consider the following recurrence relation:
T(n) = T(n/4) + T(3n/4) + O(n)
= O(log n) + O(n)
= O(n log n).
c) In QuickSort as randomly Pivot is generated. Here, in the above algorithm one condition follows the array is divided in such two partitions that one part has n/4 elements and the other part has 3n/4 elements.
In worst case, the height of recursion tree is Log3/4 n.