Nouns are words used to name an object, subject, concept or place. For example: Sara, bicycle, school, Argentina.
Step-by-step explanation:
There are many types of classifications of nouns. Let's see some of them:
- Proper nouns: They name an object or subject in a particular way and always begin with a capital letter. Example: Susan, Brazil.
- Common nouns: They designate a person, animal or thing in a general way. For example: table, chair, cow, dog.
Common nouns can also be classified:
- Abstract nouns: They express ideas, concepts and feelings that cannot be perceived by the senses. For example: freedom, happiness, hatred, compassion.
- Concrete nouns: They name things and objects that can be perceived by the senses. For example: house, cat, tree, ball.
The concrete nouns are classified into:
- Countable nouns: They can be numbered. For example: apple, table, friend.
- Uncountable nouns: They cannot be numbered, but they can be measured. For example: water, sugar. In the latter case, you cannot say two sugars, but a kilo of sugar. Uncountable nouns have no plural.