Bob was wrong in his argument because from the cipher text C₂ only the initialization vector is encrypted two times and XOR with plain text M.
Also it will not provide a better security than the first because it's encryption was done only on initialization vector and not the plain text.
Step-by-step explanation:
From the given question, in the output feedback mode (OFB) the following Encryption Algorithm is stated as follows:
V₀ = vector initialization
V₁ = Ek (Vi-₁)
Ek = The encryption algorithm
C₁ =V₁⊕ M₁
C₁ = this is the cipher text
M₁ = Plain text for it^th session
The Decryption Algorithm is shown below:
M₁=V₁⊕ C₁
In this case, when bob encrypt the message M for the first time in the OFB method, the cipher text is
C₁ =V₁⊕ M₁
C₁ =Ek (V₀) ⊕ M
Hence the Cipher text C₁ the initialization vector only is encrypted
When Bob does a second encryption, the Cipher text will be
C₂ =Ek (V₁) ⊕ C₁
C₂ = Ek (Ek (V₀)) ⊕ Ek (V₀) ⊕ M
Finally, from the cipher text C₂ only the initialization vector encrypted twice and XOR with plain text M. so it will not provide a better security than the first because it's encryption was carried out on initialization vector without the plain text.