The program is as follows (Take note of the comments and see attachment)
#Start of Program
def strip_r_o(word): #Declare Function strip_r_o
resultt = "" #initialize resultt to empty string
for i in range(len(word)): #Iterate from first character of input string to the last
if (not word[i] == "R") and (not word[i] == "O"): #Check if current character is not R and O
resultt = resultt + word[i] #if condition is true, add character to resultt
print(resultt) #Print string after character has been removed
#End of Function
Word = input("Enter a string: ") #Prompt user for input
strip_r_o(Word) #Call strip_r_o function
#End of Program
Step-by-step explanation:
The program starts and end with a comment
Line 2 of the program declares function strip_r_o
Line 3 initializes a string variable resultt to an empty string
Line 4 iterates from first character of input string to the last
Line 5 checks each character for O or R
If true, line 6 is executed by removing O or R from the input string and saving what's left in variable resultt
Line 7 prints the end result after O and R have been removed from the input string
Line 8 is a comment
Line 9 prompts user for an input string
Line 10 calls the strip_r_o function