1. Options A and B
2. Options B and C
3.. B. Net ∆G = -16.7 KJ/mol; C. Net ∆G = -14.2 KJ/mol
Step-by-step explanation:
1. The spontaneity of a chemical reaction depends on its standard free energy change, ∆G. If ∆G is negative, the reaction is favourable, but when it is positive, the reaction is unfavorable.
Therefore, since reaction A and B have ∆G to be positive, they are unfavorable
2. Coupling an unfavorable reaction to a favourable reaction can help the reaction to proceed in the forward direction as long as the net free energy change is negative.
Coupling reaction A and C, as well as reaction B and C will make the reactions to become favourable as net ∆G is negative in both instances.
3. A and C: net ∆G = 13.8 - 30.5 = -16.7 KJ/mol
B and C: net ∆G = 16.3- 30.5 = -14.2 KJ/mol