Step-by-step explanation:
Mahan argued the following:
1. Our increasing production demanded we expanded overseas and gain new markets.
2. We must make sure that no nation owns islands within three thousand miles of San Francisco. This meant we had to gain control of Hawaii.
3. A powerful navy must be built.
Alfred Thayer Mahan's writings and America's need to expand to markets abroad resulted in two things:
1. The creation of a large and powerful navy to protect America's interests overseas.
2. The expansion of US economic interests overseas.
America was embarking on a new journey. In the late 1700's George Washington had urged America to "steer clear of foreign affairs." For over a hundred years we had more or less followed that advice but now we would abandon it. America was going to dive head first into competition with other industrialized countries for markets and was to be the age of imperialism.