Lorena es la menor de las hermanas. The superlative is Lorena.
La leche no es dulce pero el jugo es dulcísimo. The superlative is jugo (juice)
Step-by-step explanation:
In the first sentence, the superlative is Lorena, which is the name of the youngest sister, in English, the sentence would be Lorena is the youngest between the two sisters. After the noun ( Lorena), we use -es la menor- to state the difference between the two sisters. The formula is noun+ es la+ adjective+ noun.
In the second sentence, we want to state that the milk is not as sweet as the juice, which is very sweet, so what we do here is mention the characteristics of the milk. Then we use "but" (pero) to compare it with the juice, which as is very sweet, so we add the suffix ísimo to the adjective dulce.