i dont know the volume but if it tells you what each book measures. Ive left a guide below to distribution.
volume = 1
0.5 +0.5 = 1
volume 2
1+1 = 2
you just need to use the word distribution and show like this
(V): amount / 2 = new amount (adding cm^3)
To work out volume you take the length and width and height of the shelf of the books. you show your workings like this.
(V): L x Wx H =
You then multiply the amount of books if you was not given the measure of the bookcase shelf.
IF the bookcase is double like the picture and doesnt show the shelf measure than you half the hieght only and keep the same length and width.
H/2 = first and enter below the new height.
(V): L xWx H = this is the whole shelf
(V) = / 2 you enter the Volume amount infront of the /2 and this way you see the volume for the math textbooks being 1/2 of 1 by (/2)
Use the found answer
MAth text books (V) =
Bounty paper towells (V) =
Then see how many cubic sheets fit.
ie) if they measure 30cm x 1cm x 30xm
and the shelf measures 30cm x 60 x 60
you can count up from the second values as the first values fit the length
The width = 1 x 60 - 60 books. (example 1cm Width thickness)
Then see the height does not change to the height of the books.
IF it does change then for every 2cm change you divide the height of the bookcase by 60-1, 60-2 or 60-3, 60-4cm etc. just one of these that fits the indifference of height
then multiply if 60-58cm = 58 we know this is 2 / 60 x 100 = 3.33%
To calculate percentage decrease: see above
First: work out the difference (decrease) between the two numbers you are comparing. Then: divide the decrease by the original number and multiply the answer by 100. If your answer is a negative number, then this is a percentage increase.
You then apply (V) of shelf number x 0.03 and then subtract from that shelf volume to show your workings or reapply the same technique to see how many fit as decrease ie) 0.50% = amount x 0.50 = 1/2 new amount.