Following are the code to this question:
import java.util.*; //importing package for user input
public class Main //defining class
public static void main(String []ar) //defining main method
double investment_amount,interest_rate,future_investment_value; //defining double variables
int years; //defining integer variable
Scanner obx=new Scanner(; //creating Scanner class Object
System.out.print("Enter invest value: "); //print message
investment_amount=obx.nextDouble(); //input value
System.out.print("Enter interest rate: ");//print message
interest_rate=obx.nextDouble();//input value
System.out.print("Enter number of years: ");//print message
years=obx.nextInt();//input value
future_investment_value=investment_amount*Math.pow((1+interest_rate/1200.),years*12); //calculating value by apply formula
System.out.println("you enter amount: $"+investment_amount); //print calculated value
System.out.println("annual interest rate:"+interest_rate+"%");//print calculated value
System.out.printf("Number of years: "+years+" the future investment value is :$%.2f\\",future_investment_value);//print calculated value
please find the attachment.
Step-by-step explanation:
Program Description:
- In the above-given program, inside the main method, a variable is declared that are investment_amount, interest_rate, future_investment_value, and years, in which only year variable is an integer type and other variables are double types.
- In the next step, a scanner class object that is "obx" is created, which is used to input value from the user end, in the next line we apply the formula to calculate the future_investment_value.
- At the last step, we all the input and a calculated value