Step-by-step explanation:
Month Demand (A) Demand (F) (A-F)²
Jan-92 25.6 - 0
Feb-92 24.7 - 0
Mar-92 21.3 - 0
Apr-92 13.9 - 0
May-92 12.6 19.62 49.28
Jun-92 18.0 18.1 0.01
Jul-92 21.5 17.46 16.32
Aug-92 22.3 17.66 21.53
Sep-92 30.7 21.02 93.7
Oct-92 15.0 21.5 42.25
Nov-92 13.8 20.66 47.06
Dec-92 22.6 20.88 29.58
The demand for january of 1993 is 20.88
RMSE² = 49.28+0.01+16.32+21.53+93.7+42.25+47.06+29.58

RMSE = √24.98
The model has higher values of demand and RMSE than that of three month moving average model