a) Experimental Design: Randomised Experimental Design
b) Population : All Adult outpatients diagnosed with major depression
c) Responsive Variable : Effectiveness of extracts on depression patients' HAM-D rating
d) Treatments : John Wart extracts or Placebo
e) Experimental units : 200 adult outpatients diagnosed with major depression having HAM-D score > 20
a) Randomised Experimental Design is being used : As experimental units are randomly assigned to any of the experimental groups, each receiving different treatments
b) Population refers to the entire group of objects or individuals, to whom the experiment research can be applied. So, all adult outpatients diagnosed with major depression as per HAM-D depression score are population
c) Responsive variable is the dependent variable being affected by independent variables. It is effectiveness of extracts on depression patients, ie change in change on the HAM-D depression rating
d) Treatments are the ways or objects with which experimental units are treated. These are John wart extracts or Placebo
e) Experimental units are the selected sample people or objects for experiment conduct. These are '200' adult outpatients diagnosed with major depression, having a baseline Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) score > 20