#4 Marta y Jorge 4A pg. 186-187
Question 2 of 2 | Page 3 of 3
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Read, listen to, and understand information about
• toy's
• playing with other children
• On the first part, make sure you only write the name of the item in English (truck, car, doll, etc)
• On the second part, make sure you read the story or listen to it to answer. Answer by writting the name of the person beeing
described. Write it correctly in Spanish
• Points will be take of as of now. 4/23/2020
• You are no longer getting full credit.
Question 2 (50 points)
¿Emilia, Marta o Jorge?
ESCUCHAR Escucha las descripciones y escribe el nombre de la persona que corresponde a cada descripción
Write the name of the person being describe