D) All the above.
Step-by-step explanation:
Stephen King's psychological horror novel The Shining revolves around the characters of his main protagonist Jack Torrance and his wife Wendy and their son Danny. And Danny had "second sight" or psychic ability that enables him to know things that are in the past and even sometimes predict things or see 'visions'.
Jack and Wendy believed their son Danny has a "second sight" he knew about the birthday party at Great Barrington even after they had told him they won't be able to afford it. Not only that, but there are also numerous other instances where he knew things before they even occurred. He also seemed pre-guess things, as observed by Wendy "She would decide to have an unusual evening cup of tea, go out in the kitchen and find her cup out with a teabag in it. She would remember that the books were due at the library and find them all neatly piled up on the hall table, her library card on top. Or Jack would take it into his head to wax the Volkswagen and find Danny already out there, listening to tinny top-forty music on his crystal radio as he sat on the curb to watch". Such cases seem to all point to their son's ability of second sight, an old wives' tale about children "born with a caul over his face, a simple tissue of membrane that doctors saw perhaps once in every seven hundred births". Thus, the correct answer is option D.