1. the differnece between your learning zone and your comfort zone is the comfort zone is something you are used to or comforable with where as the learning zone is where you develop new skills and try new things.
2. motivation is a reason or reasons you act or behave a certain way.
3. intrinsic motivation is something you do for pleasure rather than reward. (ex. you eat ice cream, you're doing this for pleasure rather than reward)
4. extrinsic motivation is something you do or how you behave to eaither advoid punishment or gain a reward. (ex. getting paid to do a job)
5. 1. somewhere quiet 2. organizie it 3. allow it to be comforting 4. and play focus music
6. a memory tool works by allwoing your brain to store information
7. an abriviation
9. keep it simple ane fun
10. i don't know for this one
11. a freak factor is something you've tried to hide so no one knows. an unique quality
12. it is a mnemonic device that allows you to recall memories for a long period of time.