A. 19 years old
A person at the age of 19 is probably still in college . He/She is probably investing more time and finance in his/her education. A person at age 19 is still building his or her career . He/she is likely to have limited working experience. He/she has more years ahead of him to invest his little income(that is if he has any) for a longer term plan like owning a house and building a business.
In fact at age 19 a person is more concern in his/her career development and studies. Buying a house is most likely a long time goal for a person of 19 years old because he has so many year ahead of him to gather or create wealth for himself.
The other ages 59, 79 and 69 years are individuals who have probably amassed wealth . They probably have over 3 decades of working experience and this working years will reflect in their savings. people at this age have shorter time to work or are probably even retired.