Step-by-step explanation:
That's the basic idea behind the IDEAL DriveCenter, the combine's central power unit, in which one gearbox attached directly to the engine drives all main components of the combine: the processor, cleaning system and hydraulic pumps, as well as the header, including today's newest corn chopper heads.
Understanding cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body
composition, known as the Five Components of Fitness, is important for improving health, performance and
Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability of the heart, blood, blood vessels and lungs to supply enough oxygen and
necessary fuel to the muscles during long periods of physical activity. Participating in aerobic activities is the best way to
improve cardiorespiratory endurance because they require the body to use large amounts of oxygen for sustained
periods of time. With the increased need for oxygen, the heart must beat faster to pump more blood throughout the
body. In turn, over time, the heart, which is a muscle, will become stronger and will be able to pump more blood with
each beat, therefore, beating at a slower rate while circulating the same amount of blood. This increased efficiency
enables a person to work, exercise and play more often and more vigorously for longer periods of time without getting
Training to improve cardiorespiratory endurance also improves appearance by toning the body and reducing body fat,
which helps to improve body composition. As personal appearance improves, a sense of well-being and a positive selfimage is created.
Muscular Strength is the ability of muscles to push or pull with total force. Increasing muscular strength allows a person
to lift, push, or pull with more force. This is a benefit in any athletic situation, but it is also important for other life
situations like when the car has a flat tire or when the door is stuck.
Muscular Endurance is the ability of muscles to repeat a movement many times or to hold a position without stopping
to rest. Improving muscular endurance allows a person to increase physical activity. A person with improved muscular
endurance can accomplish more physical work by moving longer and taking fewer breaks.
Muscular strength comes before muscular endurance. Before a brick layer can stack hundreds of bricks a day, he/she
must have the muscular strength to lift the first brick. Once he/she has the initial strength to life the first brick, the brick
layer can begin to build muscular endurance.
One of the best ways to build muscular strength and muscular endurance is through resistance training, or activities that
place an additional force against the muscle or muscle group. Some examples of resistance training include weight
training, push-ups and crunches.
Muscles react positively to strenuous activity and negatively to inactivity. Therefore, the old adage, “Use them or lose
them,” is true. When the body is inactive, a large percentage of strength is lost over time. Likewise, as the body ages
bone density tends to decrease which can lead to weak bones (osteoporosis). While resistance training, along with
engaging in an active lifestyle, improves muscular strength and muscular endurance, it also can improve bond density.
Therefore, building muscles provides health benefits that can last throughout life.